1d ago0x...8ce9sold26,251 26K worth $1.68via PulseX V1 2d ago0x...4293sold15,614 16K worth $1via PulseX V2 2d ago0x...9cbesold12,540 13K worth $0.8via PulseX V2 2d ago0x...3983bought22,027 22K worth $1.41via PulseX V1 2d ago0x...bf95sold14,568 15K worth $0.93via PulseX V2 2d ago0x...bf95sold22,422 22K worth $1.44via PulseX V1 2d ago0x...9ce1bought14,432 14K worth $0.93via PulseX V1 2d ago0x...bf95bought15,070 15K worth $0.97via PulseX V1 3M ago0x...c4fbadded1,500,000 1.5M worth $96of Liquidity 5M ago0x...7b87removed657 657 worth $0.04of Liquidity PulpChain is Freedom of Peach and Freedom of association software